Blondie's Blog

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack... And you may ask yourself- did I get here?

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Fat Cat

There have been two dueling fat cats to come out this week, each competing for the title of "fattest cat". I don't know why I have been so fascinated by this all week, but it could be that I grew up around a few fat cats of my own. My auntie's cat, Oscar, tipped the scales at 25 lbs. I thought it was the fattest cat I've ever seen, until now. Here's the link to the video:

The Nightmare is Over

Maybe. At least finals are over and HOORAY for that! I'm looking at dean's list this term, except for one lousy professor, who I liken to Chandler from 'Friends' except add in about 6 crack rocks. I think he's going to ruin it for me. He was my World Religions professor, and I can't beleive they let this guy into a classroom. One of the questions on my final was this: "Do you feel religion helps or hinders the human condition, on balance? (20 points)" WHAT THE F---? I asked him to clarify the "on balance" part because I didn't know if he meant personally or globally and all I got was some similar gibberish in response. Anyways, I have alot to talk about today so on to better things.

I had a dream last night, actually kinda a nightmare. I think it has to do with this new experience of blogging that makes the dream so bizzarre. Anyways, the dream goes like this, and I will appeal to my love of lists to help me through the explanation:

1. I was at my BF's grandmother's old house down on East 6th St. with her family, except Anthony's family was mixed in. And they shared a house with a bald country singer who apparently was an ex-boyfriend of mine, according to the dream anyways.

2. The only thing seperating the bald country singer from the rest of the house was a thin curtain and all you could hear throughout the house was the walls banging, and not from what you would think makes the walls bang, no. Instead it was the bald country singer had a penchant for dressing in a velcro jump suit (think underoos) and flinging himself at a FELT WALL. Yeah, no kidding.

3. Throughout the duration of the dream I tackled several obstacles that included, losing a sneaker, walking in on velcro man and his lady friend who had a similar penchant for velcro, and sliding down a muddy front lawn (I actually woke up this morning thinking I needed to get my jeans in the wash before they were ruined).

4. Somewhere in this mess, one of the members of the combined family, I won't say who but it will be clearer shortly, steals my blog and starts writing his own stuff on it! And he did it better than me! There were Italian family histories (hint, hint), great photos, interesting stories, like I said, better than mine! I think it was even renamed "Mama Mia" or something like that.

I think it was the Kentucky Fried Fetuses I ate on a post-happy hour binge last night. That's all I got.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I hope this guy wins it all

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Take two aspirin, better make it four

I'm a little off my game today, and that's putting it mildly. The Barstool Open was a success yesterday, and by success I mean that I am sitting in front of my computer and not in a jail cell. Some highlights of yesterday:

1. I learned how to play "flip cup" and the college boys who were teaching us didn't think I was too old to learn.

2. No bottles were sacrificed in a crazed parking lot launch like last year by an anonymous blonde teammate who shall remain, well, anonymous :)

3. We made it to 8 bars this year instead of the usual 4-5. Someday we may get to the entire 9 holes. Who am I kidding, that's never gonna happen.

It was tremendously cold yesterday. So cold that not even several beers and a few shots that will typically put hair on your chest (as my dad would say) still could not take the edge off of a 10 degree day. Walking down State St. was a challenge with the wind whipping at you making every part of your body that isn't covered just scream out in a frigid cry to be protected. Anthony has been ripping on me lately about my North Face jacket, gloves, and hat. He seems to think that only mountain climbers need such gear and everytime I put my gear on, he has some sarcastic comment about which mountain I plan on climbing today. But even my North Face windstopper couldn't keep the chill from setting in to every crevice.

I am a procrastinator in the worst way when it comes to school work. I have a speech/presentation to give in exactly 4 1/2 hours and I haven't even finished writing my dialogue. And yet, knowing this, I am sitting here, hungover, and banging away at my keyboard talking to the internet. Pathetic. I better get moving on it before the panic attacks start up.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Your KISS is on my list...

Today in the Erie Times News there was an article written by Dr. Rock counting down his top ten worst songs of all time. You may not know this yet, but you'll soon learn, I am fond of lists. Countdown lists. Count-up lists. To-do lists. Jenn List. I love me some lists. But I digress, Dr. Rock's list contained several songs I have never heard of, but they did cite a recent poll of the worst songs of all time as voted by Erie Times readers. And in true Erie Time style, the list does not countdown in descending order. It goes something like this:

1. Starship, "We Built This City" Tie for No. 1 with 11 percent
2. Billy Ray Cyrus, "Achy Breaky Heart" Tie for No. 1 with 11 percent
(What, the mullet didn't tip you off?)
3. Wang Chung, "Everybody Have Fun Tonight" 4 percent
(Ok, maybe. But 'Dance Halls Days' is still classic in my book)
4. Limp Bizkit, "Rollin' Urban Assault Vehicle" 8 percent
5. Vanilla Ice, "Ice Ice Baby" 7 percent
(I can sing every single lyric of this song. I think everyone in my 7th grade class can too.)
6. Deep Blue Something, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" 3 percent
(I kinda like this song. I used to sing it to my BFF Tiffany in high school when she would feed me toast after binge drinking)
7. Eddie Murphy, "Party All the Time" 1 percent
(This is right up there with "Dancing on the Ceiling", remember that video!?)
8. Ricky Martin, "She Bangs" 8 percent
(Somewhere William Hung is really pissed off)
9. Bobby McFerrin, "Don't Worry, Be Happy" 6 percent
(This makes my list too.)
10. Huey Lewis, "Heart of Rock and Roll" 1 percent
11. Gerardo, "Rico Suave" 4 percent
(It was a bad day for Meneudo alumni)
12. New Kids on the Block, "Hangin' Tough" 5 percent
13. Aqua, "Barbie Girl" 10 percent
(Uh, shouldn't this be number 2 with 10 percent?)
14. Will Smith, "Will 2K" 4 percent
15. Crash Test Dummies, "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" 6 percent
(Just bad.)
16. Europe, "The Final Countdown" 3 percent
(That's only because Tawny Kitean wasn't in the video)
17. Right Said Fred, "I'm Too Sexy" 5 percent
18. Hammer, "Pumps and a Bump" 1 percent
19. Chicago, "You're the Inspiration" 0 percent
(Ok Times, ZERO PERCENT? Why is it on the list if nobody voted for it?)
20. Toby Keith, "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue" 4 percent

I think Erie reader's have made some serious ommissions. The fact that any Journey song didn't make the cut, well that's just wrong. I'm gonna throw in a few of my own additions and hopefully I will include your favorite song on my list so I can get my first nasty-gram.

In no particular order:

"Stand" R.E.M.

"Life is a Highway" Some Chode

"Everything I do, I do it for you" Bryan Adams

"Beth" KISS

"Rock n' Roll Pt.1" Gary Glitter

"Opposites Attract" Paula Abdul

"Give Me One Good Reason" Tracy Chapman

"Believe" Cher

"When I see you Smile" Bad English (really bad english if you ask me)

"Land of Confusion" Genesis (hate the song, hated the video)

Just about anything by Creed and/or Journey

Ok, that's enough to keep me going for a while. I'm sure I will think of a few more as time goes on, but I think I've hit most of the important ones.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

You are getting sleepy...

It's easy being green

It doesn't get any better than this.


This week has been rough. Not only am I winding down the term at school, but I also have been sick with the flu. It's my own fault, really. About 3 months ago, I received the entire first season of The Muppet Show on DVD and haven't had the time to watch it. I was telling my boss just recently that not only haven't I watched any of it yet, but I also haven't touched my Fraggle Rock DVD either and that I was hoping to get the flu so I would have time to watch them both IN THEIR ENTIRETY. Well, not only did I get the flu, but I got it during finals week. Needless to say, no muppets. No Fraggles. Just schoolwork that I've had to struggle through without the sweet sounds of Kermit or The Trash Heap.

Good things are happening this weekend. Every year I participate in an event called the Barstool Open. Several downtown Erie bars sponsor a putting hole at their establishment and teams of four golfers travel to nine locations to putt at the bar's respective hole. It starts at 10 a.m. and every year I am wasted by about 6 p.m. The proceeds go to MECCA, so you can fill your soul as well as your beer mug. Last year our first stop was at Scotty's, a martini bar downtown. If you haven't been there, let me tell you, martinis at 10 in the morning right after a really greasy feast from Panos, that's my idea of a breakfast of champions.

Grey's Anatomy was good this week. How 'bout that sweet soliloquy from the douchebag doctor who left Christina Ricci's character high and dry? Her hand was in the patient's chest to keep the live ammunition stable until it could be removed from the body cavity. "...even beats..." And Bailey yelling at George to "Stop looking at my va-jay jay!" HILARIOUS! I am so hooked on this show! I stumbled across a great website This site chronicles every episode and includes every song ever played during both season.

Nice break, but it's back to school work now. I can rest tonite knowing I used 'soliloquy" and 'douchebag' in the same sentence.