Blondie's Blog

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack... And you may ask yourself- did I get here?

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Random thoughts

Well, alot has been going on since my last post over 3 weeks ago. Finals are starting, my first one was today. Damn I should have stopped about four beers earlier last night, but overall I think I'm in good shape for an A. I have spent the better part of this week at Peek'n Peak first for my cousin's bachelorette party on Saturday and then again for a work conference on Tuesday. I think I'd like to retire there. Right now.

I was shocked to say the least on Wednesday when Chris Daughtry got the boot on American Idol. Overall though I was glad Elliot wasn't sent home because his perfomance on Tuesday was just that good. And my man Taylor, awesome as usual. I'd like to take Paula out back and tie her to my bumper right before a nice long drive. But I think Chris will land on his feet, I hear Fuel has offered him the lead singer gig on a silver platter if he wants it. I think he should go it alone, just my opinion. How many bands do you know of that were successful after replacing a lead singer? Hmmm... let's see...

Pink Floyd, check.
Van Halen, still debatable but check.
INXS, still too early to tell..

Yeah, that's all I can think of.

There is a show on NBC called "Teachers" that I have grown attached to. And not just because of the British girl on it, although I am a sucker for a British accent. Or Canadian. Interchangeable really. Anyways, I really think this show is going to be cancelled for the sole reason that I really like it. Another depressing NBC rumor I have heard is that Scrubs may get the boot as well. What the F---? They haven't had a solid show on NBC since Friends, and they want to mess with Scrubs? I just don't get it.


  • At 11:17 AM, Blogger Blondie said…

    It's the dialogue that I think is funny. The old guy and the mexican girl, very funny together. But I really can understand why most people wouldn't like it, I have always liked the kinda off the wall shows, like men behaving badly or The War at Home which is still on FOX for the time being. I LOVE COUPLING, the British version, not the NBC version, another sad display of comedy by NBC. Not sure if anyone watches The Office, but I also love this show and not for Steve Carrell, he's really irritating. But the supporting cast is excellent! Jim and Pam are the new Ross and Rachel!

  • At 8:03 PM, Blogger Blondie said…

    I am the same way, there's probably about 15 shows I watch, but it's all on tivo. And they pile up. I have 3 shows of Boston Legal, 6 shows of Extras from last fall (!), and 4 shows of Desperate Housewives among other things. I loved the way they ended The Office! The girl in me watched the Jim-Pam scene about 4 times, when he said he was in love with her, ahhh.... I haven't seen every episode of Coupling, in fact I'm pretty sure I caught a bunch of episodes out-of-order, but I think British humor is hilarious, I loved the original "The Office" with Ricky Gervais, that man is a god.

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