Blondie's Blog

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack... And you may ask yourself- did I get here?

Saturday, April 08, 2006

This n' That

What's goin on you ask? Lots and lots, so I am going to bore you with the mundane details that I can't seem to escape from the last few weeks.

I am in a wedding in June, my little cousin is getting married. Along with that is the shower. And the stag n' drag. And the bachelorette party. Whew, and my other cousin is having a baby girl right around the same time. It's a fun time in our family watching these two events unfold and being able to be a part of them. I'm sure I will be stalking many of you to buy stag tickets from me, so if your calendar is open April 29th will be a prime date for getting shitty and full all for $5.00. or $4.99 if you prefer. I have change and I don't mind.

Next up is a vacation that I so badly need, but am also panic sticken about taking 5 days away from work and school which seems to hitting the peak of crazy simultaneously. Great timing. I am also having problems booking my rental car for my trip. Every year I rent a convertible and I have never paid over $300 for the week. Well now I can't seem to find anything below $500 and have even seen rates as high as $600. If anyone knows of a good system of outsmarting those damn rental codes, I could use it.


  • At 5:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

  • At 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.


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