Blondie's Blog

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack... And you may ask yourself- did I get here?

Thursday, February 16, 2006


This week has been rough. Not only am I winding down the term at school, but I also have been sick with the flu. It's my own fault, really. About 3 months ago, I received the entire first season of The Muppet Show on DVD and haven't had the time to watch it. I was telling my boss just recently that not only haven't I watched any of it yet, but I also haven't touched my Fraggle Rock DVD either and that I was hoping to get the flu so I would have time to watch them both IN THEIR ENTIRETY. Well, not only did I get the flu, but I got it during finals week. Needless to say, no muppets. No Fraggles. Just schoolwork that I've had to struggle through without the sweet sounds of Kermit or The Trash Heap.

Good things are happening this weekend. Every year I participate in an event called the Barstool Open. Several downtown Erie bars sponsor a putting hole at their establishment and teams of four golfers travel to nine locations to putt at the bar's respective hole. It starts at 10 a.m. and every year I am wasted by about 6 p.m. The proceeds go to MECCA, so you can fill your soul as well as your beer mug. Last year our first stop was at Scotty's, a martini bar downtown. If you haven't been there, let me tell you, martinis at 10 in the morning right after a really greasy feast from Panos, that's my idea of a breakfast of champions.

Grey's Anatomy was good this week. How 'bout that sweet soliloquy from the douchebag doctor who left Christina Ricci's character high and dry? Her hand was in the patient's chest to keep the live ammunition stable until it could be removed from the body cavity. "...even beats..." And Bailey yelling at George to "Stop looking at my va-jay jay!" HILARIOUS! I am so hooked on this show! I stumbled across a great website This site chronicles every episode and includes every song ever played during both season.

Nice break, but it's back to school work now. I can rest tonite knowing I used 'soliloquy" and 'douchebag' in the same sentence.


  • At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, I just have to say that Bob and I are both junkies...and it shows. Maddy woke up Wednesday morning and said "Yay!! Grey's Anatomy is on tonight!!" and I said without even thinking >how the hell does my 3 year old know about that show?< "No, Lost is on tonight" (like I was having a conversation with Bob). And she goes "Oh, but I'll be in bed then", to which I replied "Yes, yes you will."
    I have a HUGE crush on George. And Shannon, you will find love for him for this reason: he was on the Tony Danza show and he professed his love for Jim Hensen and all his work. He talked about how he wanted to work with him before he passed, and how he wrote him letters all the way through high school. LOL! So Tony set up a surprise guest for him to meet--Elmo! It was so cute to see his face light up!!! His character on the show is just as cute though. And as much as people want to see Derek and Meridith together, it would ruin all the fun of the games they play because they CAN'T be together. I like the chase.

  • At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Am I the only one who actually likes Meredith? You wold be pretty bitter too if your mom was a lunatic AND you find out your boyfriend was married. I'm loving that George likes Jim Henson, he has good taste! And mostly I'm glad you didn't end your sentence with "you'll find you love him for this reason: he was on the Tony Danza show." Is it just me or is that guy (T.D.) an f-ing wacko? He's been pretty big on the cheese factor lately. When I was little, I thought Elton John was singing "Hold me close I'm Tony Danza... count the headlights on the highway..." Did you ever have any "pour some shook up RAMEN..." episodes?

  • At 12:05 PM, Blogger Blondie said…

    The monologues can be a bit cheesy, but don't speak of my McMan that way.

  • At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i love meridith!!!! i just don't want to see her with mcdreamy cuz then the fun of the chase will be over.
    speaking of mcdreamy...did you ever see that movie where he was a pizza delivery boy and all the ladies called in with a "code" for something x-tra with the delivery? ooooooh--and in the mood, with the woo woo kid? he was cute in those flicks.
    and i can't even comment on tony danza--ok, yes i can. is he fruity? oh, yes, yes he is. i can't stand watching did he land his own talk show?? i only watched cuz i saw previews that george was gonna be on.
    i can't wait till 10:00. :) tonight looks GOOD!!! addy's ex-BF (who is mcdreamy's best friend that screwed his wife while he was at work...) comes back for her i think...and he tells her that mcdreamy doesn't love her. thats all i got from the previews. i'm stoked!!!

  • At 4:03 PM, Blogger Blondie said…

    EXTRA ANCHOVIES!!!!n ah ha ha ha!!! I'm off to class, I wish I could stay, this is just too fun!


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