Blondie's Blog

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack... And you may ask yourself- did I get here?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

For the love of TIVO

I have quickly become addicted to "How I Met Your Mother" on CBS, Monday nights. I can't tell you what time it's actually on because when you have TIVO, there is no concept of what time a show actually airs. For those of you who aren't familiar to my TIVO, well "say hello to my little friend..."

I am convinced that this little box is the best invention since the remote control. If you aren't familiar with what this box can do or worse, if you are one of those annoying people who ask "isn't it just like a VCR?", let me tell you why it's much better.

There are no tapes. You set your show to record once and it's done. Your shows are recording every time they come on. You like Christopher Walken? Well plug his name into your TIVO and it will record any programming he's on. Can your VCR pause live TV? No? I didn't think so.

Do I have stock in TIVO? No, but it's not a bad idea. Anyways, back to my original thought. "How I Met Your Mother" seems to be one of the funniest shows on TV right now. Who would have known that Doogie Howser, M.D. was so damn funny. "Scrubs" is also starting off their season in great style with the funniest episodes ever. Both of these shows are in my top 5. If I had to choose the list it would go something like this:

  1. Grey's Anatomy
  2. Lost
  3. How I met Your Mother
  4. Scrubs
  5. Nip/Tuck

Although Nip/Tuck is one of my favorites, I think the season finale was way over the top. Maybe it was the extra large bottle of wine I drank in that two hours, but I really think the whole transvestite plot was just plain strange. Alot of people have been complaining about the big reveal of Quentin being the carver. I do agree that the show did seem to make it obvious he was it, but in their defense, was that their intention all along? I decided early in the season that there was no way it could be Quentin because it was so obvious, so when it turned out that he was it, I really was stunned. His sister as his accomplice was not something you could ever guess.


  • At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ok...speaking of freaking Doogie Howser MD... he has the BEST cameo appearance in Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. By far one of the funniest flicks I've seen in years.
    Seems to be we have the same taste in television. I'd be in bed every night by 9 if it weren't for Grey's Anatomy, Lost, How I Met Your Mother...and I have 2 more to add to that: Two and a Half Men, and Yes Dear. I've become a TV junkie feels so American.

  • At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So it's a race you want, eh? Well RichardZ, I got my TIVO on May 29th, 2004. If you can prove that you had yours before I had mine, and I will need an original proof of purchase along with a UPC and correctly filled out form, then I'll give you your props. Oh, and a shout out would be welcome!

    Jenn, I'm with you on the 'Two and Half Men', but the two times I've seen 'Yes Dear' it didn't do much for me. But I am a LOST junkie. I think Sayid and Jin are my favorite (hottest) characters, they've underused until recently.

  • At 12:03 PM, Blogger Blondie said…

    OK, I give. You can have credit for the introductions between me and my soulmate TIVO.


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