Blondie's Blog

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack... And you may ask yourself- did I get here?

Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Nightmare is Over

Maybe. At least finals are over and HOORAY for that! I'm looking at dean's list this term, except for one lousy professor, who I liken to Chandler from 'Friends' except add in about 6 crack rocks. I think he's going to ruin it for me. He was my World Religions professor, and I can't beleive they let this guy into a classroom. One of the questions on my final was this: "Do you feel religion helps or hinders the human condition, on balance? (20 points)" WHAT THE F---? I asked him to clarify the "on balance" part because I didn't know if he meant personally or globally and all I got was some similar gibberish in response. Anyways, I have alot to talk about today so on to better things.

I had a dream last night, actually kinda a nightmare. I think it has to do with this new experience of blogging that makes the dream so bizzarre. Anyways, the dream goes like this, and I will appeal to my love of lists to help me through the explanation:

1. I was at my BF's grandmother's old house down on East 6th St. with her family, except Anthony's family was mixed in. And they shared a house with a bald country singer who apparently was an ex-boyfriend of mine, according to the dream anyways.

2. The only thing seperating the bald country singer from the rest of the house was a thin curtain and all you could hear throughout the house was the walls banging, and not from what you would think makes the walls bang, no. Instead it was the bald country singer had a penchant for dressing in a velcro jump suit (think underoos) and flinging himself at a FELT WALL. Yeah, no kidding.

3. Throughout the duration of the dream I tackled several obstacles that included, losing a sneaker, walking in on velcro man and his lady friend who had a similar penchant for velcro, and sliding down a muddy front lawn (I actually woke up this morning thinking I needed to get my jeans in the wash before they were ruined).

4. Somewhere in this mess, one of the members of the combined family, I won't say who but it will be clearer shortly, steals my blog and starts writing his own stuff on it! And he did it better than me! There were Italian family histories (hint, hint), great photos, interesting stories, like I said, better than mine! I think it was even renamed "Mama Mia" or something like that.

I think it was the Kentucky Fried Fetuses I ate on a post-happy hour binge last night. That's all I got.


  • At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i have a friend (well, no...he is bob's friend, but whatever) who is actually really good at attaching himself to walls via velcro. i think there was a trampoline involved too. but this was real life. go figure.

  • At 7:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!


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