Blondie's Blog

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack... And you may ask yourself- did I get here?

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Take two aspirin, better make it four

I'm a little off my game today, and that's putting it mildly. The Barstool Open was a success yesterday, and by success I mean that I am sitting in front of my computer and not in a jail cell. Some highlights of yesterday:

1. I learned how to play "flip cup" and the college boys who were teaching us didn't think I was too old to learn.

2. No bottles were sacrificed in a crazed parking lot launch like last year by an anonymous blonde teammate who shall remain, well, anonymous :)

3. We made it to 8 bars this year instead of the usual 4-5. Someday we may get to the entire 9 holes. Who am I kidding, that's never gonna happen.

It was tremendously cold yesterday. So cold that not even several beers and a few shots that will typically put hair on your chest (as my dad would say) still could not take the edge off of a 10 degree day. Walking down State St. was a challenge with the wind whipping at you making every part of your body that isn't covered just scream out in a frigid cry to be protected. Anthony has been ripping on me lately about my North Face jacket, gloves, and hat. He seems to think that only mountain climbers need such gear and everytime I put my gear on, he has some sarcastic comment about which mountain I plan on climbing today. But even my North Face windstopper couldn't keep the chill from setting in to every crevice.

I am a procrastinator in the worst way when it comes to school work. I have a speech/presentation to give in exactly 4 1/2 hours and I haven't even finished writing my dialogue. And yet, knowing this, I am sitting here, hungover, and banging away at my keyboard talking to the internet. Pathetic. I better get moving on it before the panic attacks start up.


  • At 8:46 PM, Blogger Blondie said…

    You have a great name, Shannon. I did get better at it the longer I played, it's funny, kinda like bowling? The more I drink, the more pins I hit.

  • At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    your never to old for a good ole drinking game!! I am glad that the bar crawl was a success! YOU ROCK BLONDIE!!!


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